Persuasive v. Informative
-Purpose: affecting listeners’ attitude, beliefs oractions
The psychology of persuasion
-Having a mental dialogue with your audience
-Anticipate listener’s internal response, esp.objections or skepticism
Every place they will raise a question, answer it. Everyplace whey will have a criticism, deal with it. Every placethey will see a hole in your argument, fill it.
1) On question of FACT
-A question about the truth or falsity of anassertion
-P195: Partisan or non-partisan?
-Topical organization
-Example (P196): Shakespeare
2) On question of VALUE
-A question about the worth, rightness,morality, and so forth of an idea or action
-NOT a statement about personal taste
-Establishing standards for value judgment
-Implications for behavior
-Example (P198): Bicycle riding
3) On Question of POLICY
-Passive agreement (P199)
lSafety standards for amusement-park rides
lMandatory recycling
-Immediate action (P200)
lBlood donation
lRegular exercise
lVolunteering to help the elderly