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ublic Speaking / Syllabus (Fall 2019) 

INSTRUCTOR: SUN Min (孙旻) / sunmin@qdu.edu.cn

COURSE & STUDENTS: optional course / English-major sophomores


1. To improve your ability to write effective English public speeches. This will engage you in the full process of speech composition, including the following:

a. selecting, narrowing, and focusing topics
b. generating research materials
c. adapting the topic and research materials to the specific audience being addressed d. supporting ideas with evidence and reasoning
e. organizing the message for effective communication

2. To improve your ability to deliver English public speeches. This will engage you in activities such as the following:

a. understanding the nature of speech anxiety and how to deal with it
b. learning the vocal and nonverbal principles of effective speech delivery c. generating speaking notes from a full speech manuscript or outline
d. rehearsing the speech prior to final presentation
e. using visual aids to reinforce and clarify the verbal message

3. To improve your ability to listen effectively 

to public speeches. This will engage you in activities such as the following:

a. distinguishing among the introduction, body, and conclusion of a speech
b. focusing on a speaker’s ideas rather than being diverted by his or her delivery c. listening for the main points and supporting materials of a speaker’s message d. developing note
-taking skills and conducting analysis of speeches

4. To improve your ability to think critically and to apply the skills of critical thinking to the analysis of public discourse. This will engage you in activities such as the following:

a. distinguishing main points from minor points
b. gauging the credibility of sources and the reliability of claims in supporting materials c. assessing the validity of reasoning in public discourse

5. To improve your ability to utilize research skills and strategies. This will engage you in activities such as the following:

a. developing skills of information acquisition, including interviewing, writing for information, conducting Internet and library research, creating a bibliography, and taking research notes efficiently

b. thinking critically and creatively about materials acquired from print and electronic sources


Lucas, E. Stephen. The Art of Public Speaking. 10th edition (Specially Adapted for Chinese Readers). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2010.

Course Organization

  1. Reading assignments

    Given the anticipated intensity of the course, the students are expected to complete the reading assignments as required for each week. Your familiarity with the concepts and principles in the textbook will make your learning a more rewarding experience than mere attendance at the lectures.

  2. Speech assignments

    1. a)  Speech Delivery: Each student is to present 2 prepared speeches and 1 impromptu speech during the semester. For prepared speeches, the speakers are expected to rehearse well beforehand and to speak from a detailed preparation outline, with or without visual aids. For impromptu speeches, speakers will be given 15 minutes to prepare for a given topic. Speakers will have access to video clips of their own speeches after each delivery.

    2. b)  Reflection

      : After each speech delivery, the speaker is to watch the footage of his/her own speech and reflect o

      n the learning process (i.e. gains, problems, and suggestions). This may be done via an online questionnaire or reflection journals.

3. Portfolio

The students are encouraged to keep track of their own learning with a personal portfolio. Organize your research materials, handouts, drafts, notes, etc. into labeled folders. For one thing, it will make your post-speech reflection easier; for another, it may make this course a more fulfilling experience when you look back at the end.

4. Grading

Attendance / Quizzes on reading / reflection journals: 20% Introductory speech: 20%
Impromptu speech: 20%
Persuasive speech: 40%